Thursday, January 24, 2008

Moving right along

The footing framing inspection occurred on Wednesday the 16th. Thursday morning the concrete mixing and pumping companies came out and the footings were poured.

The tarps have been doing a decent job of keeping the water out of the house. Every once in awhile we have to go knock water off of the tarps. Last Sunday morning Ohm's mom went to the house to take the old ratty insulation off of the heating ducts in the crawl space. Code requires that we reseal the existing ducts with mastic compound and that they be insulated. When she arrived at the house she found a spot in the dining room where the tarp had filled up with water. When she pushed on the bubble to get the water out, she discovered that the tarp was no longer extending outside the house. Instead the water rushed down the inside edge of the wall and into the dining room.
There was also water down in the crawl space, so Ohm's mom repeated Ohm's dad's exercise from a month ago of moving all the water down into one big puddle. Later that day Ohm's mom and dad brought out the shop vac and vacuumed out the rest of the puddles of water.

Tuesday morning, the last load of lumber was dropped off in our driveway. The only wood we are missing now are the new ceiling trusses. They are on order and should arrive on Friday, February 1.On Wednesday, the 23rd, major external changes started to occur. The remainder of the old trusses started to come out, along with the wall around the front window. (Good thing we locked the front door!) The new floor joists are going in and the old trusses are now in the way. Luckily we have been rain free the past couple days. The next possible forecast of rain is on Saturday. We hope all the tarping still works without the trusses facilitating water flow. The framer has started to comment on the poor framing job performed by the original builder.

The current plan is to have the house framed in by February 5th or 6th. The plumber is scheduled to come on the 6th. The roofer will come sometime shortly after that. We hope that the major wind and rain storms stay away until after the house is weathered in.

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