Tuesday, January 29, 2008

First Wall Up

The rain stayed away today and the framer was able to put the first three walls up on our second floor. When Ohm's mom and Ohm stopped by before lunch, Jeff (the framer) said the first wall would be up in about 20 minutes. After lunch Ohm's mom decided to make up for her earlier missed photo opportunities and take a quick trip back before Ohm's nap. He was happy to be going back to "Jeff's house" as he now calls it. When we arrived the first wall was already up.

While Ohm's mom was taking pictures of the first wall, the second wall was put in place. Ohm really enjoyed watching it being hoisted up, and then nailed.

When Ohm's dad stopped by after work (without the camera), a third wall was up over the front of the garage, and the framer was putting up the tarps for the evening. We hope the weather holds out so that the framing can be finished enough for the trusses to be delivered on Friday as scheduled.

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Frozen Hoses, Drips, and Cleanup

During last week's cold snap, we experienced our first frozen hose. After shutting the house water off a few weeks ago, we opened a few faucets to allow water to expand when frozen. Unfortunately, we forgot that we had previously turned off the washing machine water supply. When the water inside the washing machine hose froze, it was not able to expand freely, and broke the hose at the wall.

The floor joists are now in place and most of the plywood is down for the flooring. Since the old trusses are all gone, the tarps are lying directly on the flat plywood. Because of this, the water does not flow off of the tarps as well as it used to. The rain started yesterday afternoon, and when we went to look over the house last night we saw all of the drips. We spent quite a bit of time looking for enough containers to cover all of the drips. Here is a picture of our dining room.

Our family room also had some leaks. The rough framing for the stairs is done. Now we can get a better idea of what the room will look like with the stairs.Besides rearranging the buckets this morning we decided that we needed to clean up the yard and house a bit. We had all of the old trusses, scrap lumber, and old heating ducts in our yard and driveway. And the house had scraps and sawdust everywhere.
By the end of the day today, we had piled most of the trash on our RV parking, ready to be hauled off to the dump later this week. Ohm's mom is somewhat amazed and amused about her changing perspective on the state of the house. After cleaning up the sawdust and debris from inside, she said "wow, that looks great." Then she realized that she was saying that with walls torn up everywhere, floors covered with plastic and hardboard, no ceilings, and with water dripping in a cold, dark house, all of which had her a bit traumatized when they first happened.
We're not sure if we'll be able to move tomorrow. We're both sore already. It was quite a workout.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Moving right along

The footing framing inspection occurred on Wednesday the 16th. Thursday morning the concrete mixing and pumping companies came out and the footings were poured.

The tarps have been doing a decent job of keeping the water out of the house. Every once in awhile we have to go knock water off of the tarps. Last Sunday morning Ohm's mom went to the house to take the old ratty insulation off of the heating ducts in the crawl space. Code requires that we reseal the existing ducts with mastic compound and that they be insulated. When she arrived at the house she found a spot in the dining room where the tarp had filled up with water. When she pushed on the bubble to get the water out, she discovered that the tarp was no longer extending outside the house. Instead the water rushed down the inside edge of the wall and into the dining room.
There was also water down in the crawl space, so Ohm's mom repeated Ohm's dad's exercise from a month ago of moving all the water down into one big puddle. Later that day Ohm's mom and dad brought out the shop vac and vacuumed out the rest of the puddles of water.

Tuesday morning, the last load of lumber was dropped off in our driveway. The only wood we are missing now are the new ceiling trusses. They are on order and should arrive on Friday, February 1.On Wednesday, the 23rd, major external changes started to occur. The remainder of the old trusses started to come out, along with the wall around the front window. (Good thing we locked the front door!) The new floor joists are going in and the old trusses are now in the way. Luckily we have been rain free the past couple days. The next possible forecast of rain is on Saturday. We hope all the tarping still works without the trusses facilitating water flow. The framer has started to comment on the poor framing job performed by the original builder.

The current plan is to have the house framed in by February 5th or 6th. The plumber is scheduled to come on the 6th. The roofer will come sometime shortly after that. We hope that the major wind and rain storms stay away until after the house is weathered in.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Tarps for a Roof

The roof is off and the house has been tarped since Tuesday. Ohm's mom took Ohm over to watch some of the roof demolition on Tuesday morning. He was squealing with delight. Men were throwing large pieces of roof down into a truck, and they were also climbing up and down a ladder. What could be more fun! Ohm's mom is kicking herself because she forgot to take the camera to the festivities.

The tarp has done a fairly good job of keeping the rain out. Here are a couple pictures from inside.

Ohm's mom took Ohm over to the house later in the week for a quick look around. He recognized the various rooms, and was very interested in the changes. When he saw the kitchen with tarp for a roof and plastic covering the cupboards he asked "What's the kitchen doing?"

There has been quite a bit of rain since the house had the tarp added. The foundation guy had to add a sump pump to the spot dug for the bay window foundation.
There were a couple spots on the roof and tarp which needed patching before the next big storm. Nails poking through the roof that were added to tie the tarp down were causing some leaks into the house. Ohm's Mom got up on the roof with caulk and sealed off those spots. The sharp bricks on the chimney wore a hole through the tarp. Ohm's dad is shown below adding black duct tape to the tarp to repair the hole and putting a couple of old pairs of jeans on the chimney to reduce the chafing.

We hope to have the foundation form inspection on Tuesday the 15th or Wednesday the 16th.

Monday, January 7, 2008

Almost All Gone

The demolition guys came today and did most of their job. If the spray paint on Friday was troubling, the house condition today was scary. The house looks completely different.

The roof comes off Tuesday, and the tarp will go on then.

Ohm's Parents were over there Monday night stapling up plastic in places the siding was removed. It went up faster than expected.

Below is a picture of the front with the plastic sheeting added to the front entryway. We hope it is sufficient deterrent to keep the neighborhood cats, squirrels, raccoons and other animals out. We locked the front door when we left to act as a deterrent for other unscrupulous visitors we may get.

Here is a picture from our neighbor's house, looking into our family room. You can see that the ceilings from the affected areas were removed as well.

Lets hope the visitors don't make it to this side of the house.

We will be going back tomorrow night to see how well the plastic survived the roof removal.


The house is ready for demolition. By Friday we had all the floor coverings down, and met with the demolition guy and the framer. The framer marked areas of the house on the walls and exterior where he wanted the drywall and siding removed.The picture above shows where the bay window will be added.

This picture shows where drywall needs to be removed to add a structural beam.

We have to admit, it was a little bit disturbing to see spray paint on the interior and exterior walls that we painted ourselves a few years ago.

Popcorn Disposal

On New Years Eve, we took our asbestos laden load to the only place that accepts it in the immediate area, at the Rabanco Disposal sight, downtown, just south Safeco Field. Because of the pending holiday, traffic was light. Ohm's Dad went to the dump alone while Ohm's Mom and Ohm went to the Babysitter. Ohm's dad pulled onto the scale at the gate in the '95 civic with three large heavy bags of popcorn ceiling. It should be noted that the popcorn was double bagged in 6 mil thick bags that were 50 inches wide and 60 inches tall.

After sitting at the scale for a couple minutes, Ohm's Dad got out of the civic and stuck his head in the 5' window at the scale. After expressing her surprise that a car snuck on the scale without her noticing, the attendant directed Ohm's Dad to a "Blue Dumpster" along the yellow wall. Ohm's Dad pulled up to the "Blue Dumpster" and discovered the dumpster was about 9 feet tall. He tried to push the bags into the dumpster a couple of times, but just couldn't get it to fall in the dumpster. So he pulled the civic up to the dumpster and climbed up on the hatchback tailgate to push the bag in. That is when he discovered that the top of the dumpster was sealed. After inspecting the "Blue Dumpster" a door was discovered in the end of the container, where the 3 large bags were easily deposited.