Sunday, January 27, 2008

Frozen Hoses, Drips, and Cleanup

During last week's cold snap, we experienced our first frozen hose. After shutting the house water off a few weeks ago, we opened a few faucets to allow water to expand when frozen. Unfortunately, we forgot that we had previously turned off the washing machine water supply. When the water inside the washing machine hose froze, it was not able to expand freely, and broke the hose at the wall.

The floor joists are now in place and most of the plywood is down for the flooring. Since the old trusses are all gone, the tarps are lying directly on the flat plywood. Because of this, the water does not flow off of the tarps as well as it used to. The rain started yesterday afternoon, and when we went to look over the house last night we saw all of the drips. We spent quite a bit of time looking for enough containers to cover all of the drips. Here is a picture of our dining room.

Our family room also had some leaks. The rough framing for the stairs is done. Now we can get a better idea of what the room will look like with the stairs.Besides rearranging the buckets this morning we decided that we needed to clean up the yard and house a bit. We had all of the old trusses, scrap lumber, and old heating ducts in our yard and driveway. And the house had scraps and sawdust everywhere.
By the end of the day today, we had piled most of the trash on our RV parking, ready to be hauled off to the dump later this week. Ohm's mom is somewhat amazed and amused about her changing perspective on the state of the house. After cleaning up the sawdust and debris from inside, she said "wow, that looks great." Then she realized that she was saying that with walls torn up everywhere, floors covered with plastic and hardboard, no ceilings, and with water dripping in a cold, dark house, all of which had her a bit traumatized when they first happened.
We're not sure if we'll be able to move tomorrow. We're both sore already. It was quite a workout.

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