Monday, March 31, 2008

Insulation and Heating

The house has insulation and the furnaces are on. We were scheduled to have the insulation installed on Thursday and the insulation inspection Friday morning. Thursday afternoon, Ohm's mom arrived at the house to discover that the insulation installation company had not shown up as scheduled. This is the same company that put the insulation in before they were supposed to. After calling them, and rescheduling the inspector for Friday afternoon, they came out Friday morning to reinstall the insulation. The inspector passed the insulation, fire blocking and extra nailing.We have also started using the furnaces over at the house. We had to start it Friday night in anticipation of the drywall delivery Monday morning. It is much nicer working over there with the heat. It feels much warmer than the rental house. The downside is that there is no attic insulation and we are sure that most of our heat is escaping through the roof.

The drywall is now stacked around the house. They will start hanging it tomorrow. The end is in sight!

1 comment:

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